Re: [AD] Prefixing |
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Peter Wang wrote:
3. Hey, we only get one shot at this, and it has to be 100% absolutely completely perfect! Let's restart from scratch... Allegro 5! Hurrah!
I pretty much agree right up until this. I definately DO NOT want to start from scratch.
I personally do'nt care about prefixing from a personal standpoint. However, it becomes obvious that without prefixing you'll run into name clashing. This is why C++ introduced namespaces, this is why internal compiler variables start with _.. to give the programmer more freedom in choosing variable and function names without risk of duplicating something already made by someone else.
Cleaning up the API would also be a good thing. It's quite poor for today's programs. However, what I proposed isn't too different from what's already being done with the *_ex functions. But instead of merely depricating the old functions, we place them into a compatibility header that is, for now, included by default.
- Kitty Cat
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