Re: [AD] play.c patch

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On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 22:24 -0700, Chris wrote:
> This is a patch for the "play" program in the tests/ dir. Changes 
> include reverting the bg to black (who in their right mind turned it 
> white? I'd like to keep my eyesight, thanks :P). As well, it no longer 
> bombs out if one of the files isn't loadable. It also no longer uses the 
> palette_color array to get the colors, but instead uses makecol and 
> stores them in local vars.

Sounds all good, except, the red on black is completely unreadable here
with the black background, same as text on black background in general.
Black on white is what all applications I know about use - so please
don't change that.

Elias Pschernig

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