Re: [AD] alsamidi fix

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On Wed, 2004-07-21 at 13:19 +0200, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> On Monday 03 May 2004 15:26, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> > Following a bug report on
> >
> > I made this very small patch. Can't test if it fixes the problem, since
> > I don't have a working alsamidi, but it looks a lot like it might.
> Didn't get round to testing this earlier, apparently, but I have now 
> (prompted by Chris' post about the play example). With current CVS, the 
> ALSA driver still tells me that
> play: rawmidi.c:306: snd_rawmidi_open: Assertion `(inputp || outputp) && 
> name' failed.
> Shutting down Allegro due to signal #6
> Aborted (core dumped)
> unless I specify a config file. So it looks like some of the default 
> settings simply aren't good enough.
> I'm assuming here that current CVS includes teh patch you posted, which it 
> looks like it does.
> I'll dig around the ALSA driver source too.

Yes, it is (I assume you don't have the other messages of this thread

Anyway, the "default" device should be reasonable:

You can also use the "virtual" device, but then there won't be sound.
The question is, why do you get a signal #6. The midi driver simply
should fail detection. E.g. for me, it is:

ALSA lib rawmidi_hw.c:227:(snd_rawmidi_hw_open) open /dev/snd/midiC0D0
failed: No such device
Error initialising sound system
No supported synth type found

And if I use "virtual" as alsa_rawmidi_device, I get a very silent play

This reminds me, other ALSA midi programs let me set ports instead of
devices, e.g. "128:0" means to play the midi over timidity. Can't
Allegro's midi driver be modified to allow that?

Elias Pschernig

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