Re: [AD] Allegro window icon under X

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On Friday 02 July 2004 23:03, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Oh, and your patch is bogus:
> --- allegro/src/linux/CVS/Entries       2004-07-02 21:44:35.000000000 
> +++ alleg_icon/src/linux/CVS/Entries    2004-07-02 21:42:39.000000000 
> You could just have used "cvs diff -Rup ." (or the changed files instead
> of . given the slow SF connection speed) to create a diff.

Ah, ok. I'll remember that :)

> I'd much prefer something like set_window_title, e.g. set_window_icon.
> Those weak symbols stuff sounds scary to me, and will do so even more to
> the typical Allegro user.

He/she doesn't need to know about weak symbols. We can just tell them to 
create an allegro_icon and be done with it. This could even be automated 
with a ufixicon utility.

> The set_window_icon function would do nothing on platforms not
> supporting it (just like set_window_title), and on all other platforms
> set the icon. We can use your version for X11, and ask anyone knowing
> about windows icons on to give us the windows version, and
> maybe Angelo can provide the Mac OSX version. And the non-X11 ports
> wouldn't have to be done at once anyway, it's nothing really
> important :)

I guess it would be something like set_window_icon(BITMAP *icon) with magic 
pink/index 0 being transparent as usual? That should work, although the 
BITMAP would have to be converted to the platform's native icon format at 
run time. Isn't this ?fixicon's job at the moment?

Anyway, I'll see about refining it somewhat tomorrow. :)


Evert Glebbeek
e-mail: eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx
ICQ: 48210348  msn: eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx

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