Re: [AD] Allegro's mixer

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Ben Davis wrote:

DUMB used to keep everything in this 32/24-bit format and convert to 8-bit or 16-bit only at the final stage (most sound cards won't accept more than 16-bit AFAIK). Now (as of CVS I think), it mixes from 8-bit or 16-bit into the 32/24-bit format, and converts at the end as before - so it doesn't have to waste memory on holding the samples.

The latter is what the new Allegro mixer now does (except it mixes into a 32/16-bit format; I can change that easy enough). Though it wouldn't be a big deal to support 24-bit output for cards that can do it. You just need to change the audio drivers to tell the mixer the specific bit depth. The mixer core changes for that would be trivial. To support 24-bit samples would also be (slightly less, but still) trivial, with most of the work being contained in mixer.c. Just make sure the rest of the lib can accept 24 as a valid bit depth in the SAMPLE struct.

It'll probably be a time zone issue. Is your time zone set correctly?

I thought I set it properly when I installed Gentoo. How do I check?

- Kitty Cat

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