Re: [AD] aRts pure virtual function call

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On February 6, 2004 11:10 am, Eric Botcazou wrote:
> > Yes. I don't know if we're supposed to rely on that (the documentation
> > doesn't mention arts_close_stream() being optional), but this may be the
> > best solution.
> This stuff is really getting annoying... here's what I get on shutdown:
> warning: leaving MCOP Dispatcher and still 4 object references alive.
>   - Arts::FlowSystemSender
>   - Arts::ByteSoundProducerV2
> warning: leaving MCOP Dispatcher and still 60 types alive.
> warning: leaving MCOP Dispatcher and still 6 data packets alive.
> So it appears that, on my box, calling arts_close_stream is needed in order
> to properly shut down aRts.  And I have never experienced the crash.
> My aRts version is 0.9.5.  What is yours?
> --
> Eric Botcazou

<pointless flame>
But its arts, who cares? ;)
</pointless flame>

(I don't like arts, nor esd.. if you want the sound youre playing to be played 
"sometime" this century, but you don't care when, I suppose eather will do... 

Thomas Fjellstrom

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