Re: [AD] Allegro PDF documentation

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On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 18:12, aj wrote:
> > > none,  why would you want PDF docs when you have HTML ?
> > >
> >
> >printing? (and don't ask: why would you want to print anything?)
> and HTML and txt  aren't printable enough ?
> im not against PDF;   i think adding unnecessary stuff leads to bloat that 
> just needs to be maintained, without adding any real value.
> what value does this PDF format offer that the other formats dont ?

Well, HTML and txt contain continuous text, while PDF contains pages.
But, the documentation in Allegro is in the ._tx format anyway. All the
others HTML/PDF/... are generated out of it. So, there won't be any
additional bloat - we just provide a premade PDF version on the website
as a service to users who prefer PDF and don't have the tools necessary
to create it out of the ._tx themselves. The Allegro distribution itself
isn't affected by this.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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