Re: [AD] Allegro and OpenGL

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On December 15, 2003 11:51 am, Enrico Weigelt wrote:
> * Jason Winnebeck <gillius@xxxxxxxxxx> [2003-12-15 13:27:20 -0500]:
> Hi folks,
> > I think Allegro 5 should be redesigned to be able to use DirectDraw or
> > OpenGL (or Direct3D if someone wanted to program it).  I don't use
> > Allegro anymore because it's just not modern enough.  I would use OpenGL
> > or Direct3D to do 2D graphics now.
> Well, if we're thinking about complete api redesign, we should also
> carefully think about other similar projects like SDL. Perhaps a good
> long time strategy could be migrating both together.
> I've not compared the functionality of both packages yet, but I'm
> sure there's quite much redundant funtionality. We should talk on that.
> If we're going to do something completely new, i've got some things
> I'd really like to implement (although they do not really belong into
> allegro, but into some layer under it):
> * memory management
>     --> pooled memory allocator with garbage collector and type support
> * dynamic module loader
>     --> load on call, etc
> * version management and distribution utils
>     --> i.e. for live-CD game distros, etc.
> * open device configuration framework
>     --> users should have to do configuration only once for all
>         alleg based applications/games.
> * virtual filesystem
>     --> modular userland VFS which also supports features beside
> traditional filesystems (multiple view / structured document access,
> network protocols, ...)

Lots of this stuff has been brought up previously in the Discussions for 
Allegro5... check the allegro5 mailing list archives, and possibly's forum search.

> cu

Thomas Fjellstrom

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