[AD] Allegro on MP

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Now that MP is becoming meanstream (thanks to HT), I think it is time to make 
Allegro thread-safe.  The library already contains a platform-independent 
internal synchronization API (now on both branches), which is currently only 
used for the sound mixer.

All ports (except DOS and Unix/signals) are internally multi-threaded, so the 
first goal is to make them internally thread-safe (that is, safe when there 
is only one user thread calling the library).  The approach is 
straightforward: identifying the shared resources between the various 
threads and making sure they are accessed by only one thread at any given 
time.  Without creating deadlocks of course.

100% safety may not be within our reach, but we should at least do something 
for timers (which will fix some problems with the GUI in the process).

Eric Botcazou

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