Re: [AD] audio input latency, changes &new func proposal

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At 01:39 AM 19-12-03, you wrote:
At 01:33 PM 18/12/2003 +0100, you wrote:
> Q.  can the buffer sizes be changed so they return smaller buffers (low
> latency)  ?

I think so, but you should experiment.

> if the buffer size can be adjustable, can i propose a new function
> called  set_sound_input_buffer_size(size_t i);

Yes, this makes sense.  But I think extending start_sound_input is better:

int start_sound_input_ex(int rate, int bits, int stereo, int delay);

with 'delay' in milliseconds.  The buffer length calculation would then be
done automatically.

yes, this seems a very good plan.. ensures that the value is set before start_sound_input() can return a value. i shall investigate further where this code must go, i am still tracing out the code map (what calls what; what vars are relavent etc..) for sound input.

Has anyone found a solution to the win32 sound recording latency problem? I need to get smaller buffers (around 512 to 2k bytes or 30 to 125ms ) for a speech recognition app. It works fine in DOS and Linux, it's just win32 that I can only get 1s recording intervals. I tried experimenting with different values in the allegro source but couldn't get it to work with smaller values.

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