RE: [AD] drag and drop win32 |
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On Thu, 2003-11-13 at 19:53, AE wrote:
> >
> >Its all win32 specific code. that win_proc is the prcedure that handles
> >Windows messages. aka: You'll need to learn a ton of win32 :)
> Perhaps the Windows specific section of the Allegro docs should contain some
> links to sites with docs about the Win32 API (and ditto for other
> platform-specific sections). What about adding a Windows example program
> that uses the win_proc hook to add drag and drop, or scroll-bars to the
> windows?
It would encourage people to actually use it, making their programs
non-portable, and is therefore a bad idea. I'd much more like to see
examples using wxWindows to achieve things like scrollbars, which then
would work in Windows, Linux, OSX, ...
Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>