Re: [AD] drag and drop win32

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It would probably also be useful to support drag and drop of other things, such as bitmaps or text.

aj wrote:
At 08:52 PM 10/11/2003 +0100, you wrote:

i spotted this in the CHANGES for 4.1.12

Angelo Mottola let application bundles accept files dragged onto the
application icon under MacOS X.

I'm not sure it means drag-and-drop for Allegro apps, but Angelo will
certainly set us straight.

This means one can drag and drop a file on top of an Allegro application icon, and the app will launch with the dragged item's filename as the only command line argument (argv[1]). This was mainly added to make Alex the Allegator 4 to work properly here with custom maps; you drag a text file specifying the maps on top of the game exe, and the game loads the maps from that file. Under Win32 it works this way, so I assumed I could emulate the behaviour under OSX too...

I think my proposal of a win32 drag and drop is reasonable.
It is near impossible as an add-on.
The interface from an allergro users point of view is just a single callback that receives filenames... thats got to be the easiest interface i can think of. The code that goes into allegro is small and easy to understand and does not slow down allegro for those that do not wish to use this feature.

Only thing i left out was some documenation, it would go into the 'Windows specifics' section (allegro035.html) here it is:

extern void (*drag_and_drop_callback)(int x, int y, const char* filename);

Called by allegro when files are dragged and dropped onto the allegro application. The callback is passed the mouse x and y positions and the filename. This function will be called once for each file and should execute very quickly, it is recommended that you store the data passed and process it later.


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