Re: [AD] (still) a race condition in mixer.c

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> Hasn't the patch been applied only to the 4.0.x branch?

No, to the trunk first. Then I backported the whole synchronization 
infrastructure to the branch, but this is unrelated to MacOS X.

> I thought the OSX port was supposed to become officially supported only in 
> 4.2.x...

This has not changed.

> But I'd be happy to see it go into 4.0.4, and if that's the case, yes the
> patch should be applied also to this port IMO.

Let's forget the 4.0.x series and sorry for not being clear enough. I'm going 
to rephrase: is it ok for me to define ALLEGRO_MULTITHREADED for MacOS X? 
For the time being, the only effect is to allow the mixer to lock a mutex 
when it is mixing, so as to avoid a race condition when modifying a voice.

Eric Botcazou

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