Re: [AD] daft stuff !

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At 02:55 PM 12/09/2003 +1000, you wrote:
On 2003-09-11, aj <aj@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> alg4.1.11/src/win/wwnd.c
> why are there separate   if ( message==   statements, then directly after
> them there is a switch() ?

Look again.  The answer's not far away (in the same file).

ooh.. this is fun,  guessing!

is it that   msg_call_proc  is a func* ?
is it that  msg_suicide is not  really a UINT ?

static LRESULT CALLBACK directx_wnd_proc(HWND wnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
   if (message == msg_call_proc)
      return ((int (*)(void))wparam) ();

   if (message == msg_suicide) {
      return 0;

   switch (message) {

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