Re: [AD] clipping line algorithm

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Sorry for the late reply - had no email access for a little while.

But an add-on may provide a bitmap type that is not planar (so it would not
be correct to set the flag) but does not support _putpixel (so it would not
be correct for is_linear_bitmap() to return true).

Yes, I think this could be the case for AllegroGL.

Bob, does the screen bitmap of AllegroGL support linear access within each scanline? If no, do you set BMP_ID_PLANAR for it?

It used to, at some point. I don't think this mode of operation was really supported. In any case, using _putpixel in the context of hw acceleration is really not a good idea. Do we have a vtable entry for line()? If not, we should consider adding it, as it would easily solve the AllegroGL problem.

I'd like to move away from having everything defined as a funtion of _putpixel, if possible.

- Robert Jr Ohannessian

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