Re: [AD] [neilroy@xxxxxxxxxx: Re: [AL] JGMOD fixes]

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> I wrote back explaining the versioning number. Then I wanted to
> mention the ALLEGRO_VERSION (et al.) constants, but noticed that I
> can't find them in the docs anywhere. Is this intentional? If the
> symbol is supposed to be public (which I think it is as it's in
> include/base.h and not in internal) it should probably be documented.

I think so too. In fact, I was almost sure that they are documented...
I distinctly remember ALLEGRO_VERSION_STR being mentioned as something one
could use to display the version number...

> I checked this for 4.0.2 and 4.0.3, not for 4.1.9.

I did a grep "ALLEGRO_VERSION" * in the docs/src directory for 4.1.9 as well
and it seems that you're right: they're not there!

Did you explain about those constants too in that post? If so, could you post
the text? It could serve as a starting point to document these #defines.


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