[AD] Minor tweak to misc/genexamp.py

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We need to accept sentences starting with "Modified by" in the header of 
examples. I've attached a patch, but I'm not fluent in Python at all so feel 
free to improve and commit it.

Eric Botcazou
--- /home/eric/cvs/allegro/misc/genexamp.py	Mon May  5 18:44:03 2003
+++ allegro/misc/genexamp.py	Sun Jun  8 15:09:54 2003
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ def retrieve_source_data(file_name):
    # post-process comment, removing initial credits
    while len(comment):
-      if not string.strip(comment[0]) or string.find(comment[0], "Example pr") >= 0:
+      if not string.strip(comment[0]) or string.find(comment[0], "Example pr") >= 0 or string.find(comment[0], "Modified by") >= 0:

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