[AD] OSX and Joysticks

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Hehe... this was enlightening.

I have a MacAlly iShockII
(http://www.macally.com/spec/usb/input_device/gaming.html).  I plugged
it in tonight and ran exjoy.

First thing: if I run in digital mode, the stick stays uncalibrated;
shouldn't exjoy ask for calibration in digital mode?

In analogue mode, only stick I is recognized (the iShockII has two
sticks).  I haven't looked through the code to see if this is a
limitation of the program or not.  Stick one works just fine.

Something strange: the directional pad (digital) doesn't register as a
joystick at all, but as buttons 1-4!  This means that the total number
of buttons on my pad is 17 -- the four d-pad directions, four face
buttons, four shoulder buttons, three command buttons (start, select,
etc), and two analogue stick "clicks" (PS2 owners know what I mean). 
Isn't the current limit on buttons 16?  Anyone have any qualms upping
that to 24?

I don't know how the "directional pad comes up as four buttons" thing
should be handled.  Should it be left to the programmer to come up with
solutions, or should the driver transparently recognize that a specific
joystick is loaded and translate the d-pad into a third "stick"?

Hope this all helps someone (hi Angelo ;),
- Charles

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