Re: [AD] OSX IconTool

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--- Angelo Mottola <a.mottola@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I didn't want to use Troy's code directly though as it adds a 
> LOT of unwanted overhead, and it uses Objective-C that I don't
> think is necessary for the kind of application we're making. 

It's no different that the difference between C and C++
performance-wise (as far as my tests have shown), and troy's code made
it *extremely* easy for me to make the icon file.  As for being
necessary?  I guess it comes down again to personal preference.  I like
to polish off things in the least amount of code (me->type ==
lazy_coder;), so if I save a few keystrokes using an object-oriented
language, or by writing a shell script instead of a C program, that's
what I do. ^_^;;

I've attached a working version of my makeicns tool (again, sorry to
the list if it's too large an attachment).  Anyone else aside from
Angelo and me on this list paying attention to the OSX developments,
and want to give these little tools a test? :)

- Charles

Attachment: makeicns.tgz
Description: makeicns.tgz

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