Re: [AD] Relative paths in the grabber

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Ok, revised patch attached. I haven't done any unicode optimizations, but 
I've fixed the capitalization in the menu and the missing shortcuts. I 
also got rid of the fix_filename_forwardslashes() hack, which indeed 
doesn't seem to be nescessary.
The find_relative_path() function still uses '/' as a path seperator when 
constructing the relative path, but it will call fix_filename_slashes() 
before returning, thus returning the path in the proper format for the 
current platform.
It now fails for deliberately hacked paths that mix \ and /, but that 
probably isn't a problem.


It also seems I have found the reason I couldn't post from home. My default 
e-mail addres is different, meaning it gets rejected by the server unless 
I deliberately change my default e-mail address.

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