Re: [AD] c++ test.

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> i'm not sure if this is what you had in mind eric, but here's the c++
> test program and a makefile patch for the mingw32 build serving as an
> example test implementation. for other builds you only need to edit one
> line. the test will simply try to compile an allegro c++ program and
> continue regardless of errors.

I'd rather make it so that the Allegro build aborts if the C++ program can't 
be compiled, but only if there is a C++ compiler installed, so I think we 
need a C++ configure check somewhere.

+	gcc -Iinclude -Wl,--subsystem,windows -o $@ $< $(IMPLIB_NAME) $(LIBRARIES) 

I don't like the dependency on libstdc++ very much. Compile with 
'-fno-exceptions' instead.

> cpptest.cpp goes in "tests/" btw... for unix the test should be compiled
> only if AC_PROG_CXX succeeds. i am not sure how to do that but i bet one
> exports a makefile variable with AC_SUBST and go from there...

Yes. I'll add it when merging the patch.

Eric Botcazou

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