Re: [AD] MacOS X Allegro

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> Heh, before letting me ascend however, check the code once it's
> in CVS, and tell me if it works on your mac (what machine btw?).
> I need testing!

Dumb question from a cvs/diff/patch newbie: should that patch be
applied as 'patch -p0 <patch.diff' (I renamed it) inside the allegro
dir?  I tried to apply it, but it only finds 12 files, and from looking
at the patch I can tell there's a lot more to it.

Oh, and it *is* possible to run an OSX desktop under 8 bit color.  It's
an option that's normally turned off -- uncheck "show modes
recommended" in the displays system pane.  I can't think of why anyone
would do so, however.  ^_^;;

I also have an iBook 800 G3, but I'll have access to my spare 500MHz
iBook as well for another month or two.

- Charles

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