Re: [AD] OSX Port Notes

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> The Cocoa global header was included in the allegro header to
> simplify
> things, so I didn't have to specify it for every file. BTW, why would
> anyone
> want to disable precompiled headers support? Isn't that supposed to
> speed
> things up? This stuff is almost unknown to me so forgive me if I just
> said
> something wrong...

Well, there was talking of disabling it on the list to get rid of the
"file is newer" warnings.  It doesn't bother me either way.
> It is the supposed behaviour for windowed Allegro apps. It was
> decided
> sometime ago that the window close button, if present, was disabled
> by
> default. You can set a callback in your programs to be issued when
> the
> button is pressed, and this is already supported by OSX Allegro. If
> you want
> to shutdown an app for any reason without using the app built-in exit
> facilities, press CTRL-ALT-END (as explained in the Allegro docs).
Oh, okay.  I must have missed that part. O_o;;

> That said, it would be nice if you could code this app. How to name
> it
> though? To be consistent, I'd call it "xfixbundle" or "fixbundle"...

Attached is a new version of the shell script (now  As
for a real app, it'd be a lot more work to carry out the same
functionality of the script, but I don't mind writing it if needed. 
(Though my time's short right now, so it may take me a few days to mail
it in.)  Try this script tho.  It does what you want, I think.

Two more notes:
- exunicode doesn't work right -- the characters from the .dat file
fonts aren't displayed correctly.  If I run it from inside a bundle, it
gives me the expected error message, but then crashes.
- exscn3d doesn't allow full screen 640x480 at 16bpp... Weird.  8bpp is

- Charles


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