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Just commited a patch that adds:
- Proper mouse detection; if the mouse has less than 3 buttons,
automatically activate an emulation layer that interprets CTRL+Leftclick as
right button press, ALT+Leftclick as middle button press (it's consinstent
with the OS X way to handle the thing).
- Proper os version detection; as I was there, I also made the grabber to
show it in the system info dialog :P
- MIDI driver. This is based on the old Mac port driver by Ronaldo Hideki
Yamada; his driver was still not complete (buggy), but I fixed it and now it
sounds as it should. BTW, should I backport it to the old Mac port? I have
no way to test it though as I have only OS X installed...
Now what is needed by the OS X port is a digital sound driver and a joystick
driver. Too bad I can't write the latter as I don't have an USB joystick :/
Then it'll just be a matter of finetuning the port; real world testing will
also be needed (i.e. Compile and run some real Allegro game from allegro.cc)
and docs will have to be updated.
I'd be nice if we can also make the library to compile via a makefile
generated on the fly by configure; Eric, maybe you can help here as I really
don't know how that stuff works.
It'd also be nice if there'd be an install-framework target that builds and
installs a framework for the lib... Frameworks are library containers under
OSX: they hold one or more versions of the lib (to solve the ABI issue) and
the headers, all in one packet (that is actually structured as a normal
directory with a precise layout). IDEs under OSX work with frameworks
naturally, i.e. if you need a lib in your project, you just need to add its
framework to it, and you're ready to use it.
Angelo Mottola