Re: [AD] ALSA 9 pcm/midi drivers.

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> Ok, that link that was posted has your the most recent code?
The last working version. I used to have midi driver, but it didn't work.

> I'll probably 
> steal your PCM driver. (I haven't got muh at all.. mainly the auto detect 
> stuff, and the midi driver are done.)
I think configuration routines should be modified to cover all alsa9 devices
(new names).

> I'll see what I can do to get my changes into CVS. It was based of a fairly 
> old CVS build... But it shouldn't be too hard to port to a new version (I 
> hope, I really hope the didnt't change too much ;)), I've 
> already had to do it once, one more time shouldn't hurt.
I've been using my patch since some old wip version almost unmodified,
so there should be no problems.


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