[AD] allegro 4.1.9 source rpm fixes

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The spec file for the allegro 4.1.9 source rpm has a few problems with
it, I've attached an updated version of the .spec file that fixes all of
those, summary of what's fixed below:

* Wed Apr 02 2003 Shawn Walker <eviltypeguy@xxxxxxxxxx>  4.1.9-2
- added dat2c to tools package
- added additional documentation to tools package
- removed bogus makedoc items from tools package
- prevent building of useless debuginfo package on RedHat 9
- fixed source rpm rebuilding for RedHat 9

Any feedback is appreciated and welcome, especially regarding the
makedoc change I made. These changes were necessary to rebuild the
source rpm under RedHat 9.

EvilTypeGuy <eviltypeguy@xxxxxxxxxx>

Attachment: allegro.spec.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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