Re: [AD] keyboard recalcitrant under X

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Elias Pschernig wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 13:14, Julien Cugniere wrote:
> > I recently installed allegro under linux, and I have some trouble getting
> > the keyboard to work correctly. Using for example exkeys, some keys do
> > not produce the correct value, and some other do not produce anything at
> > all (no scancode/no unicode, just as if I hadn't pressed anything).
> [..]
> Maybe tools/x11/xkeymap can solve the problem. This also reminds to
> attach this small patch which adds xkeymap to the makefile..

Ok, thanks a lot, I managed to get it working using this. Maybe xkeymap.txt 
should be part of the main doc ? I can have a try at a patch for this, if no 
one else wants to do it.

But it's really a shame that such a hack is needed :( When you distribute a 
game, you can't very well ask the player to create a mapping like that... how 
do other libraries manage ? Do they use the native keycodes of the platform 
the program is compiled onto ?

Julien Cugnière

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