[AD] keyboard recalcitrant under X

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(Sorry for the long mail :)


I recently installed allegro under linux, and I have some trouble getting the 
keyboard to work correctly. Using for example exkeys, some keys do not 
produce the correct value, and some other do not produce anything at all (no 
scancode/no unicode, just as if I hadn't pressed anything). I tried with a 
lot of allegro version (even a few 3.9.x WIPs) and this doesn't change 

Given that it works for everybody else, I suppose the problem is related to my 
system, but I think it's still related to the way allegro gets keyboard 
input, because no other program has this kind of trouble.

To try and find what is going on, I did a bit of debugging, and here's what I 
found. Taking the key "1" (above "q") as an example of a non-working one, 
when I press it:

   - _xwin_keydrv_handler() from xkeybd.c never sees anything
   - _xwin_private_process_event() from xwin.c gets an event, with the
     keycode being 10, but line 2005 keycode_to_scancode[] returns -1,
     and the event is discarded.

So I suppose the problem is related to the generation of the array 

Now, I don't know if this was useful information, but I'd appreciate it if 
someone could help me :) I hope it's only a misconfiguration in my system, 
but I don't know where to look. And if it's a problem with allegro, I'm 
willing to test anything to help fix the problem.

System info:
  xfree 4.2.1
  kde 3.1.0
  gcc 3.2.2
  kernel 2.4.19 with a few patches (mostly preemptive)

Julien Cugniere

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