Re: [AD] get_clip()

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On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 02:39:29PM +1100, Peter Wang wrote:
> > Mine had add_clip too, which I still is very useful. Well, at least, I use
> > it, so it's useful for me :)
> What does it do?

It sets the clipping rectangle to the intersection of the current one
and the given one. Granted, it's not a complicated operation, but it's
still useful code that would be nice to factor out, and I think it'd
be useful to other people, which is why I submitted it. That said, as
other mods I made, I can keep it in my modified copy for years, I don't
really mind if it doesn't get included.

Speaking of including, I wanted a couple days ago to use the sincos
routine I added, and I found out that it wasn't included. I now recall
someone (Sven ?) wanted to enhance it (to add an MSVC optimized version
IIRC). Was that never done ? I lost the patch in some cleanup of my
numerous versions of Allegro, unfortunately. If someone still has it,
now would maybe be a good time to apply it ? :)


Vincent Penquerc'h

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