Re: [AD] loss of videoBitmap after set_gfx_mode()

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You should not use any graphics functions before you call set_gfx_mode. Creating BITMAPS, espically video bitmaps, is a bad idea. Therefore it would imply that when changing the graphics mode, you lose everything. This is the case with Allegro. If the docs don't say that, they should. What you experienced is the behaviour that is expected.

on second thought, I suppose BITMAPS would be allowed, because you can use Allegro w/o being in any graphics mode to do utility stuff like work with bitmaps in memory (ie as for a image conversion tool or something).

The MSVC CRT sets deleted memory bytes to 0xcd when running in debug mode. New memory is set to 0xFEEE, which I guess is supposed to resemble FREE.


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