RE: [AD] Proposal for "release_checklist.txt"

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Title: RE: [AD] Proposal for "release_checklist.txt"

> Seriously though, my experience with such a test suite is not
> good. Much more work went in than it saved, and you have to know
> very well what you're doing to actually test the right things. As

Some things can still be done, like testing the DATAFILE access
routines, utf-8 routines, etc. Graphics can be tested by blitting
stuff around, drawing, etc, then comparing the results to an
existing image. For sound, I don't have any solution, I'm afraid.
While I agree with you about not being easy to do all, I think a
minimal amount of tests could cater for a large enough part of
the library to be useful. Not that I want to write it, of course ;)

Vincent Penquerc'h

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