[AD] Allegro compilation on Sparc/Solaris

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Ok, I did a clean install of current CVS on Sparc/Solaris and tried to build
Autoconf generates the message

configure.in:151: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to allow cross compiling

and at the end of the compilation process the library build process fails
because ar chokes on the -keep_private_externs. This is a Darwinism that
gets generated when ar is not GNU ar, right?
The problem is, Solaris doesn't use GNU ar by default either, but Sun's own
custom make - which just happens to have the same options as GNU make.
I manually edited the makefile and the build process completed without

This is somewhat annoying, though. Isn't there some other test to detect
Darwin? Does it have uname?

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