RE: [AD] RLE clipping speedup

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Title: RE: [AD] RLE clipping speedup

> I didn't compile anything: I simply took a look at the dat2s output.

dat2c right ?

> We have first to sort out the issue of the new layout of RLE sprites.

You mean having rle/data in the struct rather than in a malloc'd
area ? Seems fine to me as it is. It's true that it could be changed
now that lines can't be NULL anymore, but...
And if you don't clip, you won't be accessing lines, so you get less
cache misses ;)
Anyway, I'm away next week, and it's not something that I can do in
an evening, seeing as I always thoroughly test the patches I send ;)
So it'd have to be the week after. But I'd rather leave it as is.

Vincent Penquerc'h

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