Re: [AD] Small FAQ update

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Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:

The non-css version looks ok, but since the new css version depends on
css being available, it doesn't degrade gracefully, a rule I set myself
for accesible websites. For this reason I will probably generate the
allegro web page with @ignore_css.

... This defeats the purpose of my patch. Can't we just put the .txt online for people with 12 year old browsers? Otherwise, I can always add <em> tags and define the CS script for them to not do anything.

Can you make makehtml generate the allegro.css file, and use as filename
the input filename without ._tx? I don't want to maintain manually
several .css copies accross servers.  People using makedoc for their
documentation will apreciate this too.

Makedoc would just do a copy from src/ to /html of allegro.css?

I think that you should implement this as an optional tag
embedded in the documentation, like @ignore_css, in the style of
@create_external_css=filename.css. This can be put by default on all
allegro documentation sources, and people commenting this out will have
their css embedded in the html.

Ok, that can be done.

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