Re: [AD] BeOS changes are now in CVS

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On 2002-09-03, Angelo <a.mottola@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > What do you think? Should I change the IDs to more pertinent ones?
> > 
> > How about just changing them now, and if nobody complains (before 
> > 4.2.0)
> > leave them changed?
> Ok, changes applied. What's the timeline for the 4.2.0 release?

Umm, rather a long way off?

> I'd 
> like to publish on the updated BeOS Allegro with new drivers 
> ASAP, as one of the new drivers I've added finally adds the possibility 
> to use Allegro under BeOS with the system VESA gfx driver, which a lot 
> of people with unsupported hardware use. Prior to my modifications 
> Allegro didn't work on those machines...

:-(  Sorry to say this, but I don't think this warrants pushing out 4.2
any time soon.


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