Re: [AD] New font types

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On Friday 20 September 2002 09:45, Eric Botcazou wrote:
> Why do you need to modify the core library ? I thought the font
> interface was flexible enough to be able to handle new font types
> (see for example AllegTTF and AllegroFont).

The *font* interface is fine, but when constructing a dat2c or dat2s 
datafile, we won't know about the new font vtable (remember that we 
currently use the "color flag" as a placeholder in the 'vtable' entry). 
And there is no way to load fonts except through datafiles, but grabber 
doesn't support the format... 

But a way around this (without adding to the library but changing some 
parts) is to make dat2s/c emit a function for each datafile, so that 
when you call fixup_datafile() this function is called. In this 
function would be code to perform any necessary construction for every 
type of object - and that code simply needs to be copied into the 
datafile source from a text file.

So by modifying dat2c, it would be possible to provide a text file 
describing every type of object and (therefore) no recompilation is 
needed to add new object types; just a new text file.

It would require *changes*, but not *additions*. What do you think?

> Does this mean that you want to merge a custom anti-aliasing
> rendering engine into Allegro ?

It only works for fonts, of course; nothing else. (Basically it draws a 
pixel with an alpha value). The code is very simple.

> IMHO the mere need for a font creation tool is already a big minus. I
> think we shoud try to leverage the existing tools and this of course
> means using the existing font formats.

Fair enough, I fully accept this!

> Please use gzip instead of bzip2. Not everyone has bzip2 installed on
> his system.

Sorry. It's also available now as exfont.tar.gz .

Thanks for responding (and also to Evert).

Bye for now,
- -- 
Laurence Withers,  lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx
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