Re: [AD] [WIN] DXOV driver weirdness.

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Quoting Isaac Cruz <icruzbal@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> > Ok.. I _looks_ like the nvidia ones are installed... But I'll just bet
> that
> > the fact that nothing on the 'Overlay' page is enabled means I've got the
> > MS drivers right? (not my computer... Not sure _what_ got installed)
> A lot time ago I tried the overlay driver with my TNT, and it didn't work.
> TNT cards support overlay, but not in the pixelformat allegro requires
> (overlays are meant to use to play videos and things like that, but not to
> show RGB pictures). If things haven't changed, I think nvidia drivers (and
> so all nvidia cards, please confirm this) won't work with allegro overlay
> driver. Because of this the windowed driver exists :-)

Ahh. makes sense, TNT cards only support the YUV colorspace for overlays. thats 
why allegro needs a YUV colorspace ;) then makecol() and friends can 'do the 
right thing' (tm) to get a yuv color ;) (just dreaming here, ignore me) 

Thomas Fjellstrom

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