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Here I shall attempt to depict some possible bugs relating to Allegro:

Platform: Slackware 7.0, kernel 2.2.13, gcc=egcs-2.91.66 (egcs-1.1.2 release)
Videocard: PCI Trio 64V+, with 2MB of ram.
AT Soya Main board, AMD K6-2 / 500Mhz cpu, 128M sd100 ram.
Mouse: PS/2, two button

First problem:
Mouse fails to be properly detected when in console mode linux.
Mouse detection works fine in X11, msdos, and ms windows.
My program uses temp=install_mouse();
install_mouse() returns 3, but mouse_x and mouse_y always read
center of screen. Mouse pointer also stays in center, does not move.
However, if I add 
mouse = LPS2 
in the [mouse] section, then the mouse works fine!.

Second possible problem:
My program uses:
#include <allegro.h>
int scrx=800;
int scry=600;
int main(int argc, char argv[]){
/* all the other stuff that  needs to come here */
if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, scrx, scry, 0, 0)) {
     allegro_message("Video Error : %s.\n, allegro_error);
     return 1; }
/* etc. etc. */
Problem: Stuff writen to screen appears scrambled. No errors are
generated. Program runs without complaint. By scrambled, I mean there is
something wrong with horiz synce, so that stuff apears twice, where it
shuold be, and to the right half a screen. and it jumps a little. Even non
moving items, such as text that's been printed to the screen.
Note that this does not happen in any other screen resolutions, and it
only happens in 800x600 IF bpp is set to 32. 800x600x24 works fine.

Third possible problem:
My program, ( when set to a working video mode, with mouse working
properly) sometimes leaves the console blank on exit. Pressing the enter
key causes console text to come back, but pressing other keys does not.
This happens only in console mode in linux.
My program does end with END_OF_MAIN()
after the very last closing '}' mark.
(Note that END_OF_MAIN() has no semi colin after it.)

I hope this is of some help.

Many thanks,


<NOTE:Also may contact Jesse Gordon at webmaster at bookcracker dot com>

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