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> The release candidate 1 is available from SourceForge:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/alleg/
> It would be nice if it were tested (compilation+installation) on the
> maximum number of platforms.
i'm trying to test it here, using a Debian 3.0 (Woody).
I have some problems, probably related to my stupidity, so that i can't
*compare* it with the cvs version, and i can't run some examples, BUT i
found some *real* problems:
- using framebuffer, expal is completely wrong (works fine under X):
looks like it is flickering
- using framebuffer, *often* (didn't understant *when* precisely) i
have to switch and come back to the terminal to view the application.
"Chocobos ignore humans who don't look like they'll give them greens"
- Final Fantasy 7
. /\ °
Real Name: Lorenzo Petrone <* >
Web: digilander.iol.it/lano666 \/ ·