Re: [AD] Some more features for platform-independent file system?

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:
All true, but Allegro was designed to be a game library (though it certainly has other uses), and I don't think a filesystem API is a logical component of a game library. Also, Windows people who download a program made with Allegro may have a hard time figuring out why it works differently from what they're used to.

Perhaps. But it was my impression that Allegro will gain a virtual file system at some point (to replace datafiles). We'd then need to bridge those with the actual file system. So file routines aren't so out of scope.

Code dealing with filesystems is probably the least portable of all - there aren't even portable low level functions to read a directory.

Which is another reason why Allegro should provide them :)

Ah. Ok, I never use Windows Explorer as a file manager, so I hadn't considered that. Does it behave well when opening such a file?

Yes, oping up the file works without problems, as long as you're not using Win16 applications (those tend to crash on weird files...).

You can do that? Have to say I never tried, but specifying "My Computer/c:/Windows/notepad.exe" will actually work? Will it depend on the language of the Windows installed?

No, that won't work. I think he was refering to the way explorer makes it seem to the user, and not how it's actually implemented by the code.

- Robert J Ohannessian
"Microsoft code is probably O(n^20)" (my CS prof)

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