Re: [AD] `make compress' dependencies to programs

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On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 11:07:41PM +0100, Lo'oRiS il Kabukimono wrote:
> about make compress... upx exists also under linux, i think it could be
> added also here then

Some time ago I was also thinking like you. However, I found out that a
shared and optimized build made 35 Mb of my allegro folder, after upx'ing
all binaries the size was about 31 Mb.  Doesn't save that much compared
to other platforms where you only have static link (dos), and you loose
interesant info from ldd if you want to distribute some binary. Anyway,
I don't care if it's an optional target.

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   gradha@xxxxxxxxxx

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