Re: [AD] [LNX] Allegro and popen()

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On March 8, 2002 03:09 am, you wrote:
> > > I've been trying to use popen to get the output of another
> >
> > program... but
> >
> > > once allegro_init() is called popen just hangs.
> >
> > I just found that turning off pthreads makes the problem go away.
> Which probably is very related to Allegro hanging for me if I
> compile it with pthreads instead of SIGALRM. The outcome for this
> was "your libc is too old".
> Have you tried using popen in another program that makes use of
> threads ?

hmm. nope. but I wasn't aware that glibc 2.2.5 was all that old. In fact I 
think its listed as latest on

Thomas Fjellstrom

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