Fwd: Re: [AD] Darwin/MacOS X port

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----- Forwarded message from Martijn Versteegh <m.versteegh@xxxxxxxxxx> -----

Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 14:15:26 +0100
From: Martijn Versteegh <m.versteegh@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [AD] Darwin/MacOS X port
To: Peter Wang <tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx>
User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.12i

>Seems fine.  I'll also request that main mangling and END_OF_MAIN to
>be optional, e.g. #define ALLEGRO_NO_MAIN_MANGLING, since your change
>would allow it.
Whis can be quite useful in unix too, but then we need to clearly document 
what setup work you need to do if you don't use allegro's main() replacement.

What about a function fixup_main(argc, argv) which the user needs to call
when not useing allegro's main?

The problem is that I also use allegro in combination with FORTRAN, and
g77 pulls the same trick as allegro with a replacement main function
to setup some stuff and then call FORTRAN's entrypoint.

This makes the combination fortran/allegro a bit complicated.


Martijn Versteegh

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