[AD] Leveraging the OS' window management

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Title: Leveraging the OS' window management

I think it was more or less the title of a very long winded
thread that hit AD some time ago :)
Now that we are speaking about API changes, may I throw that
idea on the list again and see what everyone thinks of this
now ?

Basically, the idea was to be able to draw into non Allegro
windows (eg I use GTK to create a window, but can use it as
a BITMAP). This would allow nifty stuff by using Allegro for
what it's good at, and eg GTK for what it's good at. More,
it would allow Allegro to handle several windows at once,
instead of the mere ::screen it now has.

Unfortunately, I do not have the long thread about this, but
hopefully most people here were here at that time, and could
probably remember the main points.
If not, I'd like to hear what newcomers think of this idea.


Vincent Penquerc'h

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