Re: [AD] Proposal to kill non-UTF-8 support

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> The nice thing about UTF-8 is that conversions are not needed
> for ASCII strings, which are many. It can be very difficult
> to decide whether something should be converted or not. UTF-8
> bypasses this problem easily.

This is fair enough for ASCII->UTF-8, but not the other way around.

> Cases like this are: if you get a filename, should it be in
> ASCII or not ? When ? When you display it ? When you pass it
> to and forth to the OS ? What about code that needs to find
> data in it ? This is a real pain to deal with, especially in
> plain C, where it is not easy to have a specific class for
> i18n strings that you can swap with std::string. Of course,
> going this easy way means your code isn't really correct, but
> it is more robust.

But this has to be dealt with, because some OSs will choke on non-ASCII, and
others require it, e.g. because all the filenames are chinese.
Perhaps there should be seperate conversion regimens for display and OS
Maybe newer versions of gcc will accept UTF-8 names and string literals,
which will vastly increase their usage.

I don't know how this affects the implementation, but as an API idea how
al_ustr*  - UTF-8
al_wstr* - UCS-2 (windows version)
al_lstr*  - UTF-32
al_vstr*  - functions which take extra parameters for coding of source and
destination, and have void* data types.

Maybe a version of fopen() could include a spec for the format used in a
particular file.

That's enough hot air from me, none of my ideas have ever panned out yet :)
I nearly deleted this but it might be food for thought.


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