Re: [AD] Possible new features for Allegro?

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> I already think Allegro is already way bloated and if anything
> features need to be removed.  I was going to earlier advocate for a
> "plug in" or customizable system but this would be confusing for the end
> user because each Allegro DLL would be different.
If each extension had it's own DLL, it wouldn't be confusing.

PHP (ok, so it has nothing to do with Allegro) uses a module based approach
very effectively. For Windows, each extension is it's own DLL. For Linux
type systems, you simply run a configure script with what you want to
install. (You obviously have to make sure that you have the individual
packages.) It works out very well and eliminates bloat. Most Windows users
simply download the DLLs precompiled and use the ones they want to.

It's different in the sense that PHP isn't distributed to end users like
Allegro is - but I'm all for a modularized approach that follows the same
syntax as the core Allegro library.

Matthew Leverton

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