RE: [AD] Release Candidate 2

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Title: RE: [AD] Release Candidate 2

> it stands for kernel-gcc. mandrake uses the gcc 3.x compiler
> by default
> which doesn't compile a flawless linux kernel nor does it

Hmm, sounds odd. Unless GCC 3.0.x has an option to compile
using the 2.95.x ABI, the object code generated by 3.0.x is
not compatible with 2.95.x, so it is likely to be a real
nightmare to mix code built using both compilers. But I
guess if only the kernel itself is built with an older
compiler, that could work ...
I'm actually wondering how syscalls are done exactly. Even
dynamic linking would seem problematic. But this is OT for
this list :)

Vincent Penquerc'h

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