[AD] gfxinfo

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here is gfxinfo test program :)

tested a bit under linux (all video modes i support)

not tested under dos, win or beos
(forgot some port?)

please tell me if anything is wrong :(

i'll write documentation (both on this prog and on DGA2) AASAP
                                                         ^ = almost :)

"Americans need the telephone, but we don't. We have enough mailmen."
    Sir William Preece, head engeneer of the British Mail, 1876

_.-:/°^^°\:-._.-:/°^^°\:-._          __.         ____
 - Lo'oRiS il Kabukimono -          / /|       /^___ \
Real Name: Lorenzo Petrone         / / /      / /L_/ /
e-mail: _lano_@xxxxxxxxxx          / / /      /  ___-°/
irc.azzurra.net #lano            / /_/__    /  /|__-°
digilander.iol.it/lano666       /______/|  /__/ /
^°\:-.__.-:/°^°\:-.__.-:/°^     |______|/  |__L/

Attachment: gfxinfo.c
Description: Binary data

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