Re: [AD] problems with X fullscreen mode

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Lo'oRiS il Kabukimono wrote:

> probably this is not the problem, but never knows:
> did u try to set the mouse type in ~/.allegrorc ?
> (or whatever is your configuration file)
> i had before lots of problems because of this...

No, that's most likely not the problem. I've been looking into it and
found the following. The problem is most likely due to my X or linux
installation, as older versions of allegro (back to 3.9.36) don't give
me a user fullscreen mode anymore either. I'm almost certain that one
used to work.

XGrabPointer (xwin.c around line 738) returns error code 3: from X.h I
deduced this to


which, according to 'man XGrabPointer' means that

'Either grab_window or confine_to window is not viewable
 or if the confine_to window lies completely outside the
 boundaries of the root window.'

grab_window and confine_to_window in this case both point to
_xwin.window. Apparently when using XF86VIDMODE as a user the
_xwin.window variable is not initialized in a valid way, but I have no
clue why that would happen.

I'm currently building 3.9.40 on my other pc (slow) to see if that one
has the same problem.

Hein Zelle

 Hein Zelle                     hein@xxxxxxxxxx

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