[AD] Problems with gcc 3.1

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Hi All!

  Now i tried to compile Allegro with gcc 3.1 and found a couple of

1) The declaration of inline friend functions including their body
isn't allowed so it must be:

class x
 inline friend function();

inline function() {body}

Attached is patch for alinline.h to fix it (DOS format and gzipped).

2) The "fsqrt" function is a built-in function. I saw this name gives
problems for Watcom and SGI too. I suggest renaming it to something
like fixsqrt. For it I'm not sending patches because I don't know what
exactly is the best.


P.S. 3.1 have the same bug that 3.01 when --fomit-frame-pointer is enabled.
also seems to be generating bigger and slower code for my machine.

Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET). (Electronics Engineer)
Visit my home page: http://welcome.to/SetSoft or
Alternative e-mail: set@xxxxxxxxxx set@xxxxxxxxxx
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Buenos Aires, (1678), ARGENTINA Phone: +(5411) 4759 0013

Attachment: toalleg.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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